PCT4276304 The Third Republique and its presidents from 1871 to 1913 - the Commune of 1871 - Monsignor Darbois, Archeveque of Paris, was executed, shooted with other hostages on 28 May 1871 - sitting of 16 June 1871 in the House of Deputes: ???ere is the liberator of the territory?? wrote Gambetta, by nominating Mr. Thiers - federee woman and federe in uniform (the troops of the commune) - Felix Faure, Sadi-Carnot (Sadi Carnot), marechal of Mac-Mahon (Mac Mahon), Adolphe Thiers, Jules Grevy, Jean Casimir-Perrier (Casimir Perrier), Emile Loubet, Armand Fallieres - Planche 82 of the book published under the direction of Gustave Gautherot, professor at the Institut at the Institut Catholique de Paris: of 88 paintings in 5 colors, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 5 rue Bayard in Paris, 1935. by Bayard, Emile Antoine (1837-91); (add.info.: The Third Republique and its presidents from 1871 to 1913 - the Commune of 1871 - Monsignor Darbois, Archeveque of Paris, was executed, shooted with other hostages on 28 May 1871 - sitting of 16 June 1871 in the House of Deputes: ???ere is the liberator of the territory?? wrote Gambetta, by nominating Mr. Thiers - federee woman and federe in uniform (the troops of the commune) - Felix Faure, Sadi-Carnot (Sadi Carnot), marechal of Mac-Mahon (Mac Mahon), Adolphe Thiers, Jules Grevy, Jean Casimir-Perrier (Casimir Perrier), Emile Loubet, Armand Fallieres - Planche 82 of the book published under the direction of Gustave Gautherot, professor at the Institut at the Institut Catholique de Paris: of 88 paintings in 5 colors, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 5 rue Bayard in Paris, 1935.); Photo by Gusman.

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