XEE4157653 In March 1314, the Templars were burned in the Ile aux Vaches, now the middle of the Pont-Neuf - Supplice of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) (1244 or 1249-1314) grand master of the Order of the Templars and several of his companions are accused of heresie and debauches by King Philip IV (1268-1314) and executed the 4 March 1314 a Paris ( Torture of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Knights Templar and several of his companions were accused of heresy and debauchery by King Philip IV - they were sentenced to the stake in 1314 - engraving in ???aris a travers les siecles??????by Genouillac, 1882 by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: In March 1314, the Templars were burned in the Ile aux Vaches, now the middle of the Pont-Neuf - Supplice of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) (1244 or 1249-1314) grand master of the Order of the Templars and several of his companions are accused of heresie and debauches by King Philip IV (1268-1314) and executed the 4 March 1314 a Paris ( Torture of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Knights Templar and several of his companions were accused of heresy and debauchery by King Philip IV - they were sentenced to the stake in 1314 - engraving in ???aris a travers les siecles??????by Genouillac, 1882); Stefano Bianchetti; French, out of copyright.

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