XEE4135212 Dreyfus case - Chamber of Deputes - January 22, 1898: Jean Jaures (1859-1914) was struck on the podium by depute Francois Pierres de Bernis (1842-1902) after urging the socialist group to join the dreyfusard camp. The result was a clash between supporters and opponents of Dreyfus. The illustration also includes deputes Henri Brisson, Alfred Leon Gerault Richard (Gerault-Richard), Gustave Rouanet, Jules Coutant, Edouard Vaillant, Alexandre Millerand, Emmanuel Chauviere, Philippe Grenier, Pascal Faberot and Gabriel Deville. Illustration in ??????Le Pelerin??????of February 6, 1898. by Unknown Artist, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Dreyfus case - Chamber of Deputes - January 22, 1898: Jean Jaures (1859-1914) was struck on the podium by depute Francois Pierres de Bernis (1842-1902) after urging the socialist group to join the dreyfusard camp. The result was a clash between supporters and opponents of Dreyfus. The illustration also includes deputes Henri Brisson, Alfred Leon Gerault Richard (Gerault-Richard), Gustave Rouanet, Jules Coutant, Edouard Vaillant, Alexandre Millerand, Emmanuel Chauviere, Philippe Grenier, Pascal Faberot and Gabriel Deville. Illustration in ??????Le Pelerin??????of February 6, 1898.); Stefano Bianchetti; out of copyright.

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