4072266 Italy: Trajan (53-117), 13th Roman emperor, from the book "Romanorvm imperatorvm effigies: elogijs ex diuersis scriptoribus per Thomam Treteru S. Mariae Transtyberim canonicum collectis", 1583; (add.info.: Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117), more famously known as Trajan, was born in the province of Hispania Baetica in 53 CE, to a non-patrician family. He rose to prominence during Domitian\'s reign, and fought in numerous campaigns. He was adopted as Nerva\'s heir and successor in 97 CE, the emperor compelled to do so by the Praetorian Guard. Trajan became emperor in 98 after his predecessor\'s death. Trajan is considered one of the greatest emperors of the Roman Empire, with the senate officially declaring him \'optimus princeps\', or \'best ruler\'. He was a highly successful soldier-emperor who led the greatest military expansion in Roman history, with the empire reaching its maximum territorial extent under his rule. He was also known for his philanthropic rule and extensive building programmes, reshaping Rome and leaving numerous landmarks behind. His beneficent and prosperous reign earned him an enduring reputation that has survived throughout the centuries, and he has been deified as the second of the \'Five Good Emperors\'. He died of a stroke in 117 after almost 20 years of rule, and was succeeded by his adopted heir Hadrian.); Pictures from History; out of copyright.

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