3660859 St Bernard, detail of 3660852, 1526-30 (fresco) by Correggio, (Antonio Allegri) (c.1489-1534); Duomo, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy; (add.info.: Protector saints of Parma: St. John the Baptist with the lamb, St. Hilary with a yellow mantle, St. Thomas (or Joseph) with an angel carrying the martyrdom palm leaf, and St. Bernard, the sole figure looking upwards. Below the feet of Jesus, the uncorrupt Virgin in red and blue robes is lofted upward by a vortex of singing or otherwise musical angels. Ringing the base of the dome, between the windows, stand the perplexed Apostles, as if standing around the empty tomb in which they have just placed her. In the group of the blessed can be seen: Adam and Eve, Judith with the head of Holofernes. At the centre of the dome is a foreshortened beardless Jesus descending to meet his mother. Parma, Duomo (the Cathedral of St. Maria Assunta), the dome: "The Assumption of the Virgin", frescoed by Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio (1526 - 1530). Parma, Duomo (Cattedrale di Sana Maria Assunta), cupola: "Assunzione della Vergine", affrescata tra il 1526 e il 1530 Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio. Particolare di pennacchio con San Bernardo.); Ghigo Roli.

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