3703383 MS Widener 6 f.29r, Annunciation, from a Book of Hours, use of Paris, 1415-20 (pen & ink and tempera on vellum) (see also 3703384-6) by French School, (15th century); 22.3x16.6 cm; Free Library of Philadelphia; (add.info.: This miniature begins Matins of the Hours of the Virgin. The miniatures have been painted by at least four or five artists, of which only three have been associated with known artistic personalities: a follower of the Egerton Master (six miniatures between fol. 147v-155r), the Master of the Mazarin Hours (fols. 13r, 15r, 17r, 19r, 20v, 114r), and an associate of the Bedford Master (fols. 71r, 105v, 220v). In the later Middle Ages, illuminated manuscripts were most often produced in workshops that employed several artists. These commercial workshops developed in response to the growing demand in lay society for beautifully illuminated manuscripts.); by Free Library of Philadelphia ; Rare Book Department, Free Library of Philadelphia; French, out of copyright.

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