3734992 Albanian Olive Gatherers, 1909 (oil on canvas) by Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925); 96x115.1 cm; Manchester Art Gallery, UK; (add.info.: An Impressionist, Mediterranean landscape with Albanian olive gatherers at work. Figures in Albanian folk dress crouch, gathering olives from the ground, beneath a row of huge gnarled olive trees on the left. In the background to the right, one figure stands with a long stick reaching up into the branches of a tree, whilst others bend over toward the ground. The female figure to the bottom right has a basket. The men are in skullcaps, loose, knee-length drawers, waistcoats, white shirts and white leg coverings. The women wear loose draped dresses and waistcoats, and their heads are covered in a Muslim style. The sky above is bright and sunlit, the light falling in dappled spots through the heavy trees. Purplish hills are visible above the trees to the right. ); by Manchester Art Gallery ; American, out of copyright.

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