3704794 The Fifteenth Amendment. Celebrated May 19th, 1870, pub.1871 (colour litho) by Beard, James Carter (1837-1913); Private Collection; (add.info.: The?Fifteenth Amendment?to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen\'s "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"; Became part of the US Constitution on March 30, 1870; Another of several large commemorative prints marking the enactment, on March 30, 1870, of the Fifteenth Amendment and showing the grand May 19 celebratory parade in Baltimore. (See also nos. 1870-2 and 1870-3). Here the central image shows the parade crossing a green in sight of Baltimore\'s Washington Monument. A float carrying four young women wearing crowns and sheltered by a canopy, drawn by four white horses, leads the parade. The float is followed by a troop of Zouave drummers, two rows of men in top hats (some wearing sashes), as well as ranks of troops and other floats. The parade scene is surrounded by several vignettes. In the upper corners appear bust portraits of President Ulysses S. Grant (left corner) and Vice President Schuyler S. Colfax. In the top center are three black leaders: Martin Robinson Delany, author and the first black major in the U.S. Army; abolitionist and U.S. marshal for the District of Columbia Frederick Douglass; and Mississippi senator Hiram Rhoades Revels.); The Stapleton Collection; out of copyright.

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