3097456 Commission of inquiry into the Dogger Bank Incident meeting at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris (colour litho) by French School, (20th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Commission of inquiry into the Dogger Bank Incident meeting at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris. On 22 October 1904 ships of the Russian Navy on their way to the Far East to fight the Japanese opened fire on British fishing boats in the North Sea after mistaking them for Japanese torpedo boats. The British and Russian governments agreed to the issue being considered by an international commission of inquiry which concluded that the Russian actions were not justifiable. The Russian government paid 瞿66,000 compensation to the fishermen of Hull. Au Ministere Des Affaires Etrangeres, Une Seance de la Commission d\'Enquete sur l\'incident de Hull. Illustration for Le Petit Parisien, 8 January 1905.); 穢 Look and Learn; French, out of copyright.

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