2956786 Elbert Jan van Wisselingh (oil on canvas) by Shannon, Charles Haslewood (1863-1937); 60.9x50.8 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: van Wisselingh was a prominent Dutch art critic and dealer who had galleries in London, Paris and The Hague, representing many important English and Dutch artists, including van Gogh, Whistler, Sickert and Neuhuys. He was universally admired, both by his customers and the artists he represented, for his compassion and his intelligence. In a letter to his brother van Gogh wrote, ?I have great respect for Wisselingh... but even now I?d say to him, old chap, become a painter... You?re much too honest for the present day art trade, much too clever.\' When this picture was exhibited, a critic for The Times wrote \'E.J. Van Wisselingh, Esq seems as though it were an exercise in black upon black, so sombre is its hue. It is, however, most solidly thought out and executed, and if, the colours stand, will be looked upon as a noble "old master" in future years.\'); Photo 穢 The Maas Gallery, London.

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