2921977 A group of five hand-carved and hand-painted toy soldiers owned by Tad Lincoln (painted wood) by American School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: A group of five hand-carved and hand-painted toy soldiers, OWNED BY "TAD" LINCOLN, according to Lincoln family tradition, probably carved by Joseph Stuntz of the A. Stuntz Toy and candy shop at 1207 New York Avenue, Washington, D.C. Five pieces, each approximately 1翹 in height, including base. "TAD" LINCOLN\'S TOY SOLDIERS Five standing soldiers in Union blue uniforms, all with carefully painted faces. Two soldiers are in Navy uniforms with white pants and caps, rifles slung on their shoulders, one is in full infantry uniform, also with rifle, one is a drummer (drumsticks no longer present) and one is raising a tiny trumpet to his lips. All have tiny pistols in holsters at their side. Each is carved with a circular base, painted green. The hand-painting is exquisitely detailed: each figure has a moustache and a touch of pink on his cheeks, while trousers and tunics have neat white or blue piping and tunic buttons in yellow; rifles are painted in reddish-brown, and the hats are carefully encircled with yellow gold braid.); Photo 穢 Christie\'s Images.

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