2919557 Complutensian Polyglot Bible, printed by Arnao Guillen de Brocar (engraving) by Spanish School, (16th century); The University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK; (add.info.: The Complutensian Polyglot, the earliest of the Polyglots, known also as the Alcala or Ximenes\' Polyglot. Text based on a selection of manuscripts acquired by Cardinal Ximenes or loaned by Pope Leo X from the Vatican. Title of vol. 5: Nouum Testamentum grece & latine in academia Complutensi nouiter impressum. All title pages have the arms of Cardinal Ximemes printed in red, apart from the New Testment, where they are printed in black. At the head of all titles: Haec tibi pentadecas tetragonon respicit illus hospitium petri [et] pauli ter quinq[ue] dierum. Namq[ue] instrume[n]tum vetus hebdoas innuit: octo lex noua signatur. ter quinq[ue] receptat vtrunq[ue]. The Complutesian Polyglot was edited by Diego Lopez de Zuniga with Elio Antonio de Lebrija, Fernando Nunez de Guzman, Juan de Vergara, Pedro de Vergara, Demetrios Ducas, Alphonso de Alcala and Pedro Coronel (Darlow and Moule). Probably begun in 1502 and printed between 1514 and 1517, but did not obtain papal authorisation until 1522); 穢 University of St. Andrews Library ; Spanish, out of copyright.

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