2812043 Gold Memorial Ring, Silver Buckle, Crystal and Gold Locket, Diamond Locket, Gold Pendant, Sleeve Links of Silver, Silver Heart-Shaped Pendant, Spar Snuff-Bottle, Gold Ring, Gold Memorial Ring, Crystal Locket, Gold Crucifix (chromolitho) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Gold Memorial Ring. Enclosing some of the Hair of King James I. Silver Buckle. Given by Prince Charles Edward Stuart to Mrs Murray of Broughton. Crystal and Gold Locket. With Diamonds, Rubies, and Emeralds. Given by Prince James Stuart to Sir David Murray of Stanhope. Diamond Locket. Of Lady Janet Murray. By permission of Miss Rosalind B C C de M Howell. Gold Pendant. By permission of C A Howell, Esquire. Sleeve Links of Silver. Given by Prince Charles Edward Stuart to John Murray of Broughton, his Secretary. Silver Heart-Shaped Pendant. Of pierced Scroll Work, ornamented with Rubies and Diamonds. Said to have been given to Queen Henrietta Maria by her Mother. By permission of Miss Rosalind B C C de M Howell. Spar Snuff-Bottle. Given by Prince Charles Edward Stuart to his Secretary. Gold Ring. Given by King Charles I to Sir William Murray. By permission of C A Howell, Esquire. Gold Memorial Ring. Set with Diamonds, enclosing a piece of the Shroud of Queen Henrietta Maria, with the letters H M and an enameled Death\'s-Head. Crystal Locket. Enclosing a Portrait and Plait of Hair of Mary Queen of Scots. Gold Crucifix. Given by King Charles II to Lady Lilias Murray. By permission of Miss Rosalind B C C de M Howell. Illustration for The Royal House of Stuart drawn from relics of the Stuarts by William Gibb (London, 1890).); 穢 Look and Learn.

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