2812030 Diamond Ring, Gold Watch, Bloodstone Cameo, Gold Watch, Jewelled Solitaire, Opal Mourning Ring of Mary Queen of Scots, Gold Ring of the Princess Elizabeth, Gold Watch of Octagonal Form, Gold Ring, Pearl Earring (chromolitho) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Diamond Ring. Known as "Mary Queen of Scots\' Ring," an Heirloom in the Family of Sir J Stuart, from whom it descended to the present Owner. By permission of Mrs A Dick Cunyngham. Gold Watch. Believed to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots. By permission of Lady Adeliza Manners. Bloodstone Cameo. Worn by Mary Queen of Scots and given by her to Sir James Balfour. By permission of Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Gold Watch. Said to have been given by Mary Queen of Scots to Massie, one of her Attendants, the day before her Execution, front and back views. By Permission of James S Fraser-Tytler, Esquire. Jewelled Solitaire. Which belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, given to her by the Dauphin before their Marriage. There is a Portrait of Mary in which she is represented wearing it. By permission of James S Fraser-Tytler, Esquire. Opal Mourning Ring of Mary Queen of Scots. Said to have been worn by her after the death of the Dauphin. By permission of Sir Thomas Buchan-Hepburn, Baronet. Gold Ring of the Princess Elizabeth. Daughter of King Charles I. By permission of Mrs Bacon. Gold Watch of Octagonal Form. Said to have been Queen Mary Stuart\'s. By permission of W Murray Threipland, Esquire. Gold Ring. Worn at the Wedding of the Princess Mary, afterwards Queen Mary II. By permission of The Duke of Portland. Pearl Earring. Worn by King Charles I on the Scaffold. By permission of The Duke of Portland. Illustration for The Royal House of Stuart drawn from relics of the Stuarts by William Gibb (London, 1890).); 穢 Look and Learn.

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