1630063 Saint Luke painting the Virgin, detail of the Vault of the Choir, 1505-1510 (fresco) by Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513); Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy; (add.info.: Rome, Basilica of St. Maria del Popolo, Vault of the Choir: frescoes (1505 - 1510) by Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto). Detail of Saint Luke painting the Virgin. Saint Luke painting the Virgin, is a devotional subject in art showing Saint Luke painting the Virgin Mary with the Baby Jesus. Such paintings were often created during the Renaissance for chapels of Saint Luke in European churches, and frequently recalled the composition of the Salus Populi Romani, an icon based on the legend of Luke\'s portrait of Mary. Versions of the subject were sometimes painted as the masterpiece that many guilds required an artist to submit before receiving the title of master. Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, coro, volta: affreschi (1505 - 1510) del Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto). Particolare del tondo raffigurante San Luca nell\'atto di dipingere la Madonna. Un\'antica tradizione cristiana afferma che l\'evangelista Luca fu il primo iconografo e che dipinse quadri della Madonna, di Pietro e Paolo. Sono molte le immagini bizantine a lui attribuite.); Ghigo Roli.

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