1268235 Unidentified members of the 7th Brigade, Australian Field Artillery hauling one of their guns into position near Gressaire Wood, to assist the 9th Infantry Brigade attack near Bray-sur-Somme, 22 August 1918 (b/w photo) by Australian Photographer (20th century); Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia; (add.info.: Australian Official Photograph / GHW: On 22 Aug 1918 CEWB ran into Wilkins on the slopes above Etinhem: "I noticed two of our men leading two German stretcher parties across from the aid post to the little cemetery on the hill above us. A photo of this would be good - they were burying the German dead in a cemetery immediately after their death - so I went up the hill to catch them up. On the way, I noticed, coming from the top of the hill overlooking BRAY, two men, one of them carrying a camera. It was Wilkins and Sergt Lowe. They had been right to the outskirts of BRAY and had photographed a similar burial of Germans at the Bn Headquarters down the hill - Moorsheads, I suppose. "You only had to dodge the machineguns for about 50 yards", Wilkins said. " Bean Diary 116, pp 91-2, JG 3/12/2013 Ministers caption: Men of the 7th Brigade, Australian Field Artillery hauling one of their guns into position near Gressaire Wood during the 9th Brigade attack near Bray-sur-Somme, France, 22 August 1918.); Australian, out of copyright.

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