1218399 The Squadrons of Thurot and Elliot in Ramsey Bay, 1760 (oil on canvas) by Wright (fl.1760); 61x107 cm; Manx National Heritage (Isle of Man); (add.info.: Ramsey Bay after the battle between the English and French Squadrons enacted off the Manx coast on 27 February 1760. An eyewitness quoted in Manx Notes & Queries (1904) states: "On receipt of the news of Thurot being brought into Ramsey Bay on Thursday, last night, I went there to see the ships, etc.. at daylight. I got on board the Belleisle, and was struck with astonishment ; turn which way I would nothing but scattered limbs of dead and dying men presented themselves to my view, the decks and ship\'s sides could be compared to nothing but a slaughter-house; the English not having time to clear the vessel the night before, near 200 men being killed on board her, besides what the other two French ships lost."); 穢 Manx National Heritage .

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