1215600 Trow Rocks (watercolour, bodycolour and scratching out on paper) by Brown, James Miller (fl.1882); 17.6x12.6 cm; South Shields Museum & Art Gallery, South Shields, UK; (add.info.: Brown, James Miller drawing, watercolour, bodycolour and scratching out on paper, entitled Trow Rocks, by the artist James Miller Brown This picture shows Trow Rocks, South Shields. The artist has chosen to focus his attention on the base of the cliffs, where the waves are crashing against the rocks. The sea and rocks have been very carefully observed, the image built up with layers of transparent watercolour and opaque bodycolour paint. Highlights have been added by scratching out some areas to reveal the white paper underneath. James Miller Brown was a landscape and coastal painter in oil and watercolour. He worked at South Shields, and briefly at Newcastle, during the late 19th / early 20th centuries.); 穢 Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums; British, out of copyright.

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