1154155 Study of Five Figures, c.1515 (etching with plate tone) by D羹rer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528); 8.5x13.5 cm; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, PA, USA; (add.info.: D羹rer??? unusual subject in this etching eludes definitive interpretation. The print is sometimes called The Dismayed Husband, while another reading has speculated that the figures might represent different types of melancholy. Variations of the bearded man in profile and the slumbering nude woman appear in sketches that D羹rer made in 1514, suggesting that this scene was pieced together from figure studies drawn around the time he began experimenting with etching. D羹rer typically included his initials and the year of creation in his prints, but their absence here suggests that this etching may have been an experiment, and possibly his first.); 穢 Philadelphia Museum of Art ; The Muriel and Philip Berman Gift, acquired from the John S. Phillips bequest of 1876 to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, with funds contributed by benefactors; German, out of copyright.

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