Raja Shri Man Singh Ji Saheb (Man Singh I) (December 21, 1550  July 6, 1614) was the Kacchwaha King of Amber, a state later known as Jaipur. He was a trusted general of the Mughal emperor Akbar, who included him among the Navaratnas, or the 9 (nava) gems (ratna) of the royal court. Amber was a city of Rajasthan state, India, it is now part of the Jaipur Municipal Corporation. Founded by the Meena Raja Alan Singh, Amber was a flourishing settlement as far back as 967 CE. Around 1037 CE, it was conquered by the Kachwaha clan of Rajputs. Much of the present structure known as Amber Fort is actually the palace built by the great conqueror Raja Man Singh I who ruled from 1590 - 1614. The palace contains several spectacular buildings such as the Diwan-i-Khas and the elaborately painted Ganesh Pol or Ganesh Gate built by the renowned warlord Mirza Raja Jai Singh I (Man Singh I's grandson). The old and original fort of Amber dating from earlier Rajas or the Meena period is what is known in the present day as Jaigarh fort, which is actually the main defensive structure, rather than the palace itself, although the two structures are interconnected by series of encompassing fortifications.

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