888244 Henri Bergson (b/w photo) by Dornac (fl.1887-1918); Archives Larousse, Paris, France; (add.info.: The philosopher Henri Bergson (1859 - 1941) sitting, writing ed his office. PHOTOGRAPHY. DORNAC (1890 - 1950) ARCHIVES LAROUSSE PARIS PICTURE: Monochrome COUNTRY: France NOTE: Former ALA 7833 B. BEN rights reserved (xxxx) mandtext "rights reserved" conds "artist is not in the public domain: the user must reserve the copyright for a possible beneficiary. " OFFICE (furniture) or WORK TABLE, IIIrd Republic, personality (history or culture) from 1870 to 1940, PHOTOGRAPHY (LUMBER TYPE): archive photography, BERGSON Henri, philosopher Fran?ais 1859-1941, INTERIOR: to a pi eece or WRITE building, SAT (if on a ege, whatever it is), OFFICE WORK see STUDIOLO / LIBRARY, pHILOSOPHER, PORTRAIT oF MAN, MAN WALL ALA206266 writing to IIIrd personality french room headquarters building LAROUSSE GIRAUDON Le Philosophe Henri Bergson (1859 - 1941) assis, 矇crivant 矇 son bureau. PHOTOGRAPHIE. DORNAC (1890 - 1950) ARCHIVES LAROUSSE PARIS IMAGE:Monochrome COUNTRY:France NOTE:Ancien ALA 7833 B. BEN:droits reserves (, xxxx) mandtext: "droits reserves" conds: "artiste ne faisant pas partie du domaine public : l\'utilisateur doit reserver les droits d\'auteur pour un eventuel ayant droit." BUREAU (meuble) ou TABLE DE TRAVAIL, REPUBLIQUE III?癡me, personnalit矇 (histoire ou culture) 1870 - 1940, PHOTOGRAPHIE (TYPE D\'OEUVRE) : photographie d\'archive, BERGSON Henri, philosophe fran矇ais 1859 - 1941, INTERIEUR : d\'une pi?癡ce ou d\'un b璽timent ECRIRE, ASSIS (sur un si?癡ge, quelqu\'il soit), CABINET DE TRAVAIL voir aussi STUDIOLO / BIBLIOTHEQUE, PHILOSOPHE , PORTRAIT D\'HOMME, HOMME MUR ALA206266 ecrivant a IIIeme personnalite francais piece batiment siege LAROUSSE GIRAUDON); French, out of copyright.

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