931475 Fiskenaes from the Governor\'s House, illustration from \'The second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin...\', 1856 (engraving) by Kane, Elisha (1820-57) (after); Private Collection; (add.info.: The Second Grinnell Expedition of 1853 was an American effort, financed by Henry Grinnell, to determine the fate of the Franklin\'s lost expedition. Led by Dr. Elisha Kane, the team explored areas northwest of Greenland, now called Grinnell Land. While failing to determine the fate of Sir John Franklin, the expedition set a new record for northward penetration, delineated 960 mi (1,540 km) of unexplored coastline north of 82簞 latitude, and discovered the long-sought open Polar Sea. Kane collected valuable geographical, climate and magnetic observations before abandoning the brig Advance to the pack ice in 1855. While three members of the crew were lost, the epic journey of the survivors inspired the public as a vivid tale of Arctic survival. ); The Stapleton Collection; American, out of copyright.

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