937192 Simon and his two sons get killed by Ptolemy.1 Maccabees 14:16, 1695 (engraving) by Weigel, Christoph (1654-1725); Private Collection; (add.info.: Simon was out visiting the towns in the countryside and attending to their needs. He went down to Jericho with his sons Mattathias and Judas. It was the eleventh month, the month of Shevat, in the year 177. 15 Abubus\' son welcomed them deceitfully in the little fortress called Dok, which he had built. He threw a great banquet for them, but he hid men in the hall. 16 When Simon and his sons became drunk, Ptolemy and his men took their weapons. They rushed forward against Simon, and killed him and his two sons in the banquet hall; Prolemag Simone cum duob fil羹s in covivio interficit Simon wird von Ptolemao j瓣merlich mit seinen zweijen S繹hnen umgebracht. 1 Maccabees XVI 16); Prismatic Pictures ; German, out of copyright.

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