535609 The Eighth Key of Basil Valentine, from \'Von dem grossen Stein Uhralten\' by Basil Valentine, Strasbourg, 1651 (engraving) by Merian, Mattaus the Younger (1621-87); Private Collection; (add.info.: Basilius Valentinus was alleged to be a 15th-century alchemist, possibly Canon of the Benedictine Priory of Saint Peter in Erfurt, Germany. In a walled enclosure, two seated men with crossbows aim at a square target with a circular bulls-eye, and a key atop it. Seven arrows have hit the target. Between these two men are four small roofed crosses and an open grave in which a man or resurrected corpse is standing with his hands uplifted. On the left of the grave, corn is sprouting. In the foreground a corpse lies on a ploughed field, grain beneath its head. On the left, a man is scattering grain. Behind the man four birds are eating the grain. Below the corpse is a cross. To the right stands a winged angel holding a scepter in its left hand, and blowing a trumpet held in its right hand.); Universal History Archive/UIG; Swiss, out of copyright.

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