500078 Bowl with Engraved Figures of Vices, 1150-1200 (bronze: spun, hammered, chased, & punched) by German School, (12th century); 6.05x28.95 wt: 686 grams cm; Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, USA; (add.info.: At the center of this bowl stands a female figure identified as SUPER[BI]A (pride). Represented along the curvature are four more bust-length figures: [I]DOLATRIA (idolatry), INVIDIA (envy), IRA (anger), and LUXURIA (self-indulgence). Bowls of this type were likely produced in medieval Germany and widely traded throughout northern Europe. Because of the moralistic symbolism employed in their iconographic programs, it has been suggested that such bowls were used in monasteries for hand washing during penitential activities. More recently, it has been suggested that they served as teaching aids for rhetorical instruction in medieval classrooms. Inscription: at the center of the bowl is a standing female figure with engraved identification: "SVPERBIA" (Pride); along the inner curvature are four bust-length figures with engraved names: "IDOLATRIA" (Idolatry), "INVIDIA" (Envy), "IRA" (Anger); and "LVXVRIA" (Self-Indulgence).); Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund; German, out of copyright.

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