463350 Alfred T. Jones (litho) by American School, (19th century) (after); Library Company of Philadelphia, PA, USA; (add.info.: Alfred T. Jones (c.1822-88), lithographic printer, newspaper editor, and prominent member of the Philadelphia Jewish community, was born July 4, 1822 in Boston, Ma. Originally in pursuit of a career in the mercantile trade, Jones relocated to Philadelphia ca. 1842, before entering into partnership ca. 1859 with Rudolph Stein in the lithographic and printing business Stein & Jones at 312 Chestnut Street. For the next ten years Jones remained in the partnership, which specialized in trade cards and continued and furthered his activities in the Masonic Order and philanthropic Jewish organizations. Jones not only served as a Master and secretary of the Shekinah Lodge, but also acted as a manager, secretary, president and/or board member of several Jewish benevolent institutions and associations, including B\'nai B\'rith, Jewish Foster Home, and Covenant Hall Association. In 1869, Jones partnered in a photographic studio with John Gihon until 1871 when the death of his former partner Stein led him back to the printing industry. Jones, with new partner Theodore Potsdamer, resumed operations of the printing establishment ca. 1872-1873 under the name Jones & Potsdamer. By 1875, Jones left the lithography trade and established the weekly "Jewish Record" for which he served as editor until its demise in 1886. In his later years, Jones continued his philanthropic work, particularly with the Association of Jewish Immigrants until his death on October 3, 1888, at his residence of many years at 1303 Marshall Street. His funeral sermon was delivered by the Rev. Sabato Morais and he was buried at the 55th Street Cemetery of Mikveh Israel (formerly of Congregation Beth El Emeth). Jones was married to Jessica (ca. 1823-1894), with whom he had four children, Rebecca (ca. 1856-1894), Andrew (b. ca. 1849), Ida (b. ca. 1854), and Frank (b. ca. 1857).); 穢 Library Company of Philadelphia ; Library Company of Philadelphia; American, out of copyright.

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