463851 Wetherill\'s white lead, red lead, chemical glass, drug & dye stuff store, c.1845 (litho) by Rease, W. H. (19th century); 53 x 35 cm; Library Company of Philadelphia, PA, USA; (add.info.: Wetherill & Brother, manufacturer of white lead & red lead litharge chrome yellow & green, oil vitrol, copperas, chemicals. Advertisement showing the four-story storefront of Wetherwill & Brother (John Price and Dr. William Wetherwill) heavily covered in signage on Front Street above Market Street. Signs advertise the "Drug, Paint" & Glass Store," the proprietors - "Druggist & Color Men," and depict the store emblem of an American eagle with a shield atop a barrel, surrounded by apothecary packages, and bordered by the text "Encourage your own Manufactory" and "65 Old Stand." Building also adorned with a railing on the roof. Stacks of barrels, two atop boxes marked "8-10 Glass" and "12-16 Glass," flank the two open entryways (covered in signs) ... ); 穢 Library Company of Philadelphia ; Library Company of Philadelphia; American, out of copyright.

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