XJF406261 Titlepage of the pamphlet \'A Terrible Thunder-Clap at Wangford in the County of Suffolk\', published in 1661 (printed paper) by English School, (17th century); Private Collection; (add.info.: Whereby 1 Knight, 1 Colonel and a Captain of a Troop with several other Gentlemen of quality and their attendants (meeting at the House of Mr Tho. Absolon to make merry with March Beer on Thursday the 1 of August) were much mangled by a Thunder-bolt which came in at the top of the house and broke the Tyles, Spars went through a Bed and a Floor into the Parlour where they were drinking together. And in what a miraculous manner one was taken up to the top of the Room and flung down on a Table, Capt Tyrel struck dead, another had his Head, Face and Body burnt black as a Coal; other lying dumb senseless and not able to utter one Word. Pamphlet contains an account of the death of Reverend John Ashbourne (c.1611-61), a \'mad-doctor\' who treated the mentally ill at his home in Norton; he was killed by one of his former patients, a Mr. Ward;); English, out of copyright.

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