XIR195579 Naval Battle of the Strait of Shimonoseki, 20th July 1863, 1865 (oil on canvas) by Durand-Brager, Jean Baptiste Henri (1814-79); 110x191 cm; Ch璽teau de Versailles, France; (add.info.: fought on July 16, 1863, by a warship of the United States Navy, against the powerful feudal Japanese daimyo Lord Mori Takachika of the Ch?sh贖 clan based in Shimonoseki. The USS Wyoming under Captain David McDougal, sailed into the strait and single-handedly engaged the US-built but poorly manned Japanese fleet. In two hours McDougal sank two enemy vessels and severely damaged the other one, and inflicted some forty Japanese casualties. The Wyoming suffered considerable damage. The battle was a prelude to the larger-scale 1863 and 1864 Shimonoseki Campaign by allied foreign powers. It took place among the troubled events of the Late Tokugawa shogunate from 1854 to 1868, associated with the opening of Japan to the European and American powers); French, out of copyright.

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