Scanning electron micrograph of mature seeds of the common foxglove, Digitalis purpurea. The picture shows the box-shaped seeds, that have a central groove ( picture centre ), and whose seed coat is sculpted by thin extending walls that form a series of open compartments, able to trap soil particles and anchor the seed to the ground where it falls. Foxgloves produce very large amounts of seed, each about 1mm long and weighing about 150蝷? Although small and dust-like, the seeds are not dispersed far by wind, lacking any type of sail or wing. Most fall within a metre or two of the parent plant. This gives rise to the characteristic behaviour of D. purpurea in the wild - to occur in stands that slowly increase in extent over years. D. purpurea is a bee-friendly biennial or shortlived perennial garden plant. It is hardy, and once introduced will persist in a garden due to self-seeding

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