'Cayuga Lake Scenery', 1874. 'Triple Falls; Ithaca Falls; Ithaca Gorge; Castle Rock; Tower Rock', New York State, USA. '...Ithaca Fall...attains one hundred and fifty feet...the foaming torrent leaps grandly between the fractured rock...Not far from here we also find the Triple Fall, which is, to our mind, the most beautiful of all...They have called Triple Fall thus because the stream leaps thrice before it ripples forward again...Here is Tower Rock, a perfect columnar formation, about thirty-six feet high, with a sort of groove across the top...A still more extraordinary monument...Castle Rock...consists of a massive wall, with a magnificent, arched door-way. One of its peculiarities is that the surface is torn and fractured, and in the deep seams formed some trees and shrubs are living a precarious existence'. From "Picturesque America; or, The Land We Live In, A Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes...with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by Eminent American Artists" Vol. II, edited by William Cullen Bryant. [D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1874]

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