Great Britain (United Kingdom); Northern Ireland; Londonderry/Derry: Peace Bridge (2011) across Foyle River. The 235 m long Peace Bridge was opened in 2011 by EU representative Johannes Hahn. EU peace program gave a major part of the total sum of 14 million British Pounds for the building. The bridge is open for pedestrians and bicycles and connects the walled old town (majority protestant; loyalist) and the eastern bank of Foyle River with the city quarter Waterside. In Waterside; British Army had its barracks around Ebrington Square. During the Troubles; more than 15;000 loyalists and Protestants left the old town and sourroundings to continue their life in the Waterside quarter which was supposed to be a safe area. The opening of the bridge was as well a step forward during the peace process after the Good Friday agreement 1998. Present were also important politicians of Northern Ireland: Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness. As well Leo Varadkar; since 2017 new prime minister of the republic of Ireland; was on the spot. Architects and designers of the Peace Bridge were Wilkinson Eyre.

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