Great Britain (United Kingdom); Northern Ireland; Londonderry/Derry: mural "Petrol Bomber" by art group "Bogside Artists"; "People`s Gallery" along Rossville Street; Bogside city quarter. The murals refers to the so called "Battle of the Bogside"; which happened from 12th to 15th of August; 1969. Invovled were residents (unknown number) of the Bogside and the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC; 691 men). In total; there may have been betweeen 350 and 1;000 injured people during the riots. Most of the murals along and nearby Rossville Street in Bogside city quarter have been realized from 1994 to 2008 by Tom Kelly; William Kelly and Kevin Hasson who form the artist group "Bogside Artists". These murals are named "People`s Gallery". All murals refer to the demonstration of 31st of January; 1972 which is worldwide known as "Bloody Sunday" and related events. Bloody Sunday was one of the most crucial happenings during the Northern Ireland conflict; The Troubles: 15;000 people demonstrated against injustice and repression. 13 people died; 16 were injured; during that day. As well; there is a Bloody Sunday Memorial at Rossville Street. And nearby; also Museum of Free Derry; newly built in 2017; records the event. Most imporant mural of the Bogside Artists is the so called "peace mural"; realized in 2004 at Rossville Street. The Mural "Death of Innocence" shows 14 years old scholar Annette McGavigan; a cousin of Kevon Hasson; who was shot on 6th of September; 1971; while collecting rubber bulletts (German: Gummigeschoss) on the street. She was the first child as a victim of The Troubles and the 100th civilian who died caused by the Troubles. The mural at Lecky Road corner Westland Street was unveiled; on 1st of September; 1999. It was restored; in 2006; coloring the butterfly and placing in the broken rifle or broken machine gun as a symbol for stopping any armed activity. Further remarkable murals are the "Nobel Peace Prize" mural showing John Hume from the Bogside; Nelson M

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