Great Britain (United Kingdom); Northern Ireland; Londonderry/Derry: mural "Operation Motorman" by art group "Bogside Artists"; "People`s Gallery" along Rossville Street; Bogside city quarter. The mural shows a situation during Operation Motorman which happened on 31st of July; 1972. 22;000 members of the British army; supported by 5;300 mebers of the UDR (Ulster Defense Regiment) retook succesfully republican-controlled no-go areas in Derry and Belfast. During the operation; one civilian was killed (Daniel Hegarty; 15 years old); two were injured. Shortly after; another man; IRA member Seamus Bradley (19 years old); died after having been shot in the leg. Most of the murals along and nearby Rossville Street in Bogside city quarter have been realized from 1994 to 2008 by Tom Kelly; William Kelly and Kevin Hasson who form the artist group "Bogside Artists". These murals are named "People`s Gallery". All murals refer to the demonstration of 31st of January; 1972 which is worldwide known as "Bloody Sunday" and related events. Bloody Sunday was one of the most crucial happenings during the Northern Ireland conflict; The Troubles: 15;000 people demonstrated against injustice and repression. 13 people died; 16 were injured; during that day. As well; there is a Bloody Sunday Memorial at Rossville Street. And nearby; also Museum of Free Derry; newly built in 2017; records the event. Most imporant mural of the Bogside Artists is the so called "peace mural"; realized in 2004 at Rossville Street. The Mural "Death of Innocence" shows 14 years old scholar Annette McGavigan; a cousin of Kevon Hasson; who was shot on 6th of September; 1971; while collecting rubber bulletts (German: Gummigeschoss) on the street. She was the first child as a victim of The Troubles and the 100th civilian who died caused by the Troubles. The mural at Lecky Road corner Westland Street was unveiled; on 1st of September; 1999. It was restored; in 2006; coloring the butterfly and placing in the broken ri

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