Italy; Tuscany; Castello di Querceto: white peafowl on ancient roof of Castello di Querceto. Owner of the castle and the 190 ha estate is Marquese Alessandro Fran鏾is. The Fran鏾is family bought the castle; in 1897. Tito Fran鏾is; father of Alessandro Fran鏾is; was one of the founders of the Consorzio Chianti Classico; in 1924. The Fran鏾is family came from Savoy (Savoyen) with Franz III of Lorraine (Lothringen) to Florence; who married Empress Maria Theresia of Austria; in 1736. Around 1740; the first Jean Fran鏾is arrived in Florence. In 1749; he got noble status and became marquese. Quite famous became Alessandro Fran鏾is; an archeologist who in 1844/1845 discovered the world famous Fran鏾is Vase; built around 565 BC by sculptor Ergotimos. A marble memorial at the court of Castello di Querceto records the fatal death of 7 staff members forced by German soldiers; in 1944; who had taken the castle as temporary headquarter.The seven civilians were executed without any reason.

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