Sarcophagus with scenes from the Passion of ChristThis Roman sarcophagus (c. 350 AD); from the cemetery of Domitilla on the Via Ardeatina; has twisted columns at intervals on the front panel; holding up the lintels and pediments; from which wreaths hang. The entire decoration in relief is based on the theme of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ; presented in triumphal terms; as a victory over death; as well as a sign of hope for the deceased. At the left there is the Cyrenian carrying the cross; followed by the scene of the crowning with thorns; it can be seen that the crown has become a jewelled diadem; to reinforce the idea that the Passion of the Saviour is shown in reality to be glorious. In the two compartments on the right there is a depiction of the scene of Christ presented to Pilate; who is washing his hands. At the centre of the front panel; finally; there is an image of the Cross surmounted with the monogram of Christ (X and P; chi-rho; initials of the Greek Christos); symbol of resurrection (Anastasis); also alluded to by the two stunned soldiers below.inv. 31525Vatican Museums (Pius Christian Museum) 2018

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