Detail of the berlin of Cardinal Luciano Luigi Bonaparteby Fratelli CasaliniRome; 1868inv. 45570Assembled in Rome by Gaetano Peroni; supplier to the Papal Stables; using parts of French craftsmanship; this elegant Berlin belonged to Cardinal Luciano Luigi Bonaparte; who had received it as a gift from his cousin Napoleon II on 13 March 1868; on the occasion of his appointment as cardinal.On the doors there are paintings of the allegorical personifications of the Church of Rome on the right; and the Catholic faith on the left. On the side panels a series of putti hold objects alluding to the cardinal's virtues: the Tablets of Law and the Book of the Apocalypse on the left; and an anchor and a brazier; respectively symbols of rectitude and fear of God; as well as hope and charity.Always detached from the attractions of the Roman Curia and the French court; Cardinal Bonaparte led a life distinguished by charity and patronage of the arts. After his death he bequeathed his carriage to Pope Leo XIII; who maintained the heraldic arms depicting the Napoleonic imperial eagle.Vatican Museums (Carriage Pavilion)2018

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