Egyptian tomb scene, illustration. This scene shows the stringing and drilling of beads on the walls of the painted tomb chapel of Vizier Rekhmire, the highest official in the government of the pharaohs Thutmose III and Amenhotep II. It dates from the New Kingdom (Dynasty 18), in around 1504-1425 BC. This tomb is in Thebes, Upper Egypt. The men are making goods in the workshop of the Amun temple. The one on the left is stringing a beaded collar, a finished example of which is displayed nearby. Considering the collar's colour, it was probably made from faience beads. Using a bow drill, the man on the right is drilling holes in disks to manufacture stone beads. In Egyptian workshops, different type of crafts were manufactured within the same space. This illustration (tempera on paper) was produced in 1929 by Egyptologist Nina de Garis Davies (1881-1965) on an expedition for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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