Magic lantern slide circa 1900.Victorian/Edwardian.Social History.No. 3.??”Mosque and Place du Governement. Were it not for the Mosque, which forms such a prominent feature in the view before us, we might almost imagine this square to belong to any continental town. Here we see the ordinary French fiacre, or cab, rows of gas lamps, and seats, such as we might find in any European city. This part of Algiers is, however, the most European. Around here, and along the boulevards adjoining, are the principal cafes, restaurants, hotels, and stores for the sale more especially of English commodities. This, moreover, is the busiest part of the city during the day-time, and it is here, during the pleasant summer evenings, that the military band plays for the amusement of visitors, principally English, amongst whom this winter resort is becoming so fashionable. This fine old mosque, with its rectangular minaret, is called Djamaa El-Djidid??”a rather uncanny word. It dates from the seventeenth' century [B]. It is a fine mosque, though not possessing so much interest as our next.

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