Magic Lantern slide circa 1900 hand coloured. Titled Cities and places of interest in the Mediterranean. No. 32.??”THE CASTLE OF.ST. ELMO, NAPLES, AND THE MARINA. This fortress, which from its situation and from the enormous thickness of its walls, is regarded as impregnable, is well worthy of a visit, especially by the curious in military matters, as here may he seen the Italian system of managing a prison for soldiers??”to which purpose the castle, is now applied. There is also to be obtained from its ramparts a most glorious view of the hay and of the little islands lying in it. There attaches, to the castle a peculiarity that pertains to few Italian edifices, viz., the fact that scarcely a century has passed, since its first erection, in which its name has not been changed, its original name having been St. Erasmo when built in the fourteenth century, and since then it has borne half-a-dozen others.

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