Magic Lantern slide circa 1900 hand coloured. Titled Cities and places of interest in the Mediterranean. 16.??”NICE. THE JARDIN ANGLAIS. With this view we come upon the full life of Nice herself, as we see before us the conclusion of tlie Promenade des Anglais and the celebrated Jardin Anglais itself, where people congregate to gossip, in the mornings and afternoons, over the events of the past evening, to narrate what happened at such and such a ball, which of their friends were successful or unsuccessful at Monte Carlo last night, what new flirtations have sprung up, and to tell each other about their different maladies and disorders. The day life in Nice is so essentially an out-of- door one that the Jardin Anglais forms one of the most important factors in that life and, without it to resort to, Nice would lose half her charms;

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