Magic Lantern slide circa 1900 hand coloured. created in 1887. A tour of North Wales. 7. Valley at Bettws-y-Coed.??”This is a delight favourite,artist,angler,david,cox,ara,ful spot, where one might almost grow young again. It has long been a favourite haunt of both artist and angler. The late David Cox, A.R.A., frequented the neighbour????hood for forty years, and the old sign board of the Royal Oak Hotel was painted by him, and is still kept in the house as an heirloom. In the view before us can be seen the little village lying in the valley surrounded by hills, that are clothed from base to summit with luxuriant trees, and towering high above all is seen the peak of NORTH WALES. Moel Siabod. Descending, and crossing the river Conway by the Waterloo bridge, on entering the village, we reach a bridge over the river Llugy, named Pont-y- Pair

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