Fred Curd looking through his telescope at Rye, Sussex. He was one of two men employed by the Corporation of Winchelsea to maintain the Look Out. The first was Chummy Bardon (from 1929 to 1943), followed by Fred Curd (from 1944 to 1966). They told gullible tourists and journalists that they were part of a long line of watchmen employed by the Corporation since the raids of the 14th century to watch for approaching French ships. The fiction came to a head in 1964-65 with articles in newspapers as diverse as the Daily Express and Die Welt, and features on the BBC and other TV channels. When Fred said that he needed a new telescope, one was duly sent by a firm in Toronto. He also explained that, during WW2 he had spotted two German pocket battleships, then being hunted by the Royal Navy, sailing up the channel, but did not bother to report the sighting since he was being paid to watch out for the French and not the Germans. It all became too much for the dignity of the Mayor at the time and Fred was replaced in 1966, his successor sworn to kill the harmless legend.

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