Palestine - Tel el Saba was a Turkish held artillery position on Oct 31st 1918 when British and Anzac units attacked Beersheba The hillock on right horizon in the shot is Tel el Saba which was a Turkish artillery position taken on 31st Oct 1918 by the Anzac Light Horse with support from an HAC battery. This shot is taken from a ridge about 400m to the east which still has, to my eye at least, evidence of gunpits. The low ground to left of centre is the plain across which the Australian Light Horse made their famous charge to capture the town itself. The site was a fortified city in 9th C. BC and was almost certainly referred to in the Bible in 2 Kings 18:13-19:37 when Sennacherib, King of Assyria captured King Hezekiah and destroyed 46 of his walled cities in 701 BC. Later it was the site of a fort built by Herod and a later Roman settlement and is best known to us as Beersheba.

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