Anne Tracy Morgan (July 25, 1873 ? January 29, 1952), youngest daughter of the financier, John Pierpoint Morgan and American philanthropist who provided relief efforts in aid to France during and after World War I and World War II. From 1917 to 1921 Morgan took residence near the French front, not far from both Soissons and the "Chemin des Dames" at Bl?rancourt, and ran a formidable help organisation, The American Friends of France (it employed several hundred people at a time, volunteers from abroad and locally recruited staff), financed partly out of her own deep pockets, partly with the help of an active network in the States.[4] The AFF was active in succoring noncombatants, organizing a health service that still exists in Soissons, a workshop to provide basic furniture to bombed-out families, a holiday camp for children, and a mobile library that was taken over by the library in Soissons, and so on. She returned in 1939 to help the Soissons evacuees.

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