Marriage of Captain (later Major) William La Touche Congreve to Miss Pamela Maude, the daughter of actor Cyril Maude. Major Congreve was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at at Longueval, France, between 6 and 20 July 1916 (shortly after his wedding). He constantly inspired those round him by numerous acts of gallantry. As Brigade Major he not only conducted battalions up to their positions but when the Brigade headquarters was heavily shelled he went out with the medical officer to remove the wounded to places of safety, although he himself was suffering from gas and other shell effects. He went out again on a subsequent occasion tending the wounded under heavy shell fire. Finally, on returning to the front line to ascertain the position after an unsuccessful attack, he was shot and died instantly. A baby daughter, Mary Gloria Congreve, who was a god-daughter of Queen Mary, was born posthumously. It is notable that his father, General Sir Walter Norris Congreve, was also awarded the V.C. (during the Second Boer War) and they are one of only three father and son pairs to have achieved this. Wedding group picture shows, back row, left to right, Mr Cyril Maude, Mrs Congreve, the Bishop of London (Arthur Winnington-Ingram, attached as chaplain to the Rifle Brigade during the war), Mrs Cyril Maude and Lieut. General Congreve. In front, the bride and bridegroom.

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