Mrs H. J. Tennant, formerly May Edith Abraham (1869-1946) wife of Harold John Tennant, the ex-Under-Secretary for War, and Co-Director of the Women's Department of National Service, established at St. Ermin's, Westminster. Mrs Tennant was the daughter of Mr George Abraham of Rathar, Co. Dublin and the first woman to be appointed Superintendent (or Lady Inspector) of Factories. She was assisted in the role at the Women's Department of National Service by Miss Violet Markham. When the National Service Department was set up, a Women?s Branch was established with Mrs. H.J. Tennant, and Miss Violet Markham as Co?directors, and they made various appeals, registered women for the land, munitions, W.A.A.C. and for wood cutting and pitprop making. A great demonstration of ?Women?s Service? was held in the Albert Hall in January 17, 1917, at which Mrs. Tennant and Miss Markham, Lord Derby, Minister of War; Mr. Prothero, President of the Board of Agriculture, and Mr. John Hodge, Minister of Labour, spoke and at which the Queen was present. It was an appeal to women for more work and a registration of their determination to go on doing all that was needed.

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