Something doing at Washington. Illustration shows President Wilson as a doctor standing at an open door labeled 63rd Congress, telling Uncle Sam as an expectant father standing outside the door that it looks like it's going to be twins, in other words, the 63rd Congress will pass legislation on tariff reform and currency reform, as Oscar W. Underwood, coming upstairs, brings a second bed labeled Currency Reform to place next to a bed labeled Tariff Reform. Date 1913 July 16. Something doing at Washington. Illustration shows President Wilson as a doctor standing at an open door labeled 63rd Congress, telling Uncle Sam as an expectant father standing outside the door that it looks like it's going to be twins, in other words, the 63rd Congress will pass legislation on tariff reform and currency reform, as Oscar W. Underwood, coming upstairs, brings a second bed labeled Currency Reform to place next to a bed labeled Tariff Reform. Date 1913 July 16.

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