An illustration by C.E. Turner depicting the fashion for motor-boats or 'motor-launches' during the 1920s among the upper classes, enabling peaceful travel away from 'the jumbled traffic of weekend roads'. The caption reads: 'There has been much talk of late of the neglect of the river. That ther is truth in the jeremiads of the boatmen cannot be denied; and needless to say, the motor-car has come in for the chief blame. It is hardly fair, however, to put everything down to this; for it is to be feared that the weather has also played a malignant part on occasion! Given sunny days, indeed, the waters of the Thames, more particularly, retain all their attractions, and it may be added that the motor-launch is gaining in popularity every year; is becoming, in fact, the 'car' of the river. And to the motor launch must now be added the outboard motor-boat; that is to say, the comparatively small craft with detatchable motor and propellor. It may be prophesying rather far ahead, but it seems likely that, with the 'week-end' roads a jumble of traffic, the rivers will be used more and more as a summer highway.'

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