'Rinaldo or Aeneas', 1757, (1928). 'A soldier, his right arm raised; on the right in front the bow of a skiff with a rower'. Pen with wash on white paper. 'Evidently a first rejected partial sketch for Rinaldo's parting from Armida in the Villa Valmarana, which was then used for another fresco, that of Aeneas from whom Venus is vanishing'. Design for a fresco in the Villa Valmarana near Vicenza, Italy. Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Italian Venetian painter and printmaker Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770), worked not only in Italy, but also in Germany and Spain. He was commissioned to carry out frescoes in churches and palaces, and was elected President of the Academy of Padua. As well as his large-scale majestic works, he also produced etchings and oil paintings, and is widely regarded as one of the most important artists of the period. Illustration from The Drawings of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Volume I, by Detlev Baron Von Hadeln. [The Pegasus Press, Paris, 1928]

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